Saturday, 22 December 2012

21.12.12 as we say it in the Southern Hemisphere

So 21.12.12 has been and gone in the Southern Hemisphere, and 12.21.12 has now been and gone in the Northern Hemisphere...

The poor old Mayans are getting a bit of bad press...

But then who was it that misinterupted their calender and proficy.

so go Easy on the Mayans, it is only modern mans mass media interpretations feed to the masses...

Enjoy you Realignment,

Wishing All, Peace and Light, with a big dash of Colour...

And I will back soon to show you what I have been up to...

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Going Back to Go Forward...

Not alot to say today...I am digging into boxes of unfinished creativity and looking at what is next...
Looks like I am going back to before to bring some things to completion, so thought I would post this picture of a picture that just popped out at me...
This is me in the mid 90's

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Sun Shiny Day...

It is a beautiful day up here on the Sunshine Plateau, under the Paparoa Ranges...
These were my creative efforts yesterday...

I did not post yesterday out of respect for those lost and harmed in Connecticut and China, I focused my day on creativity and sending Love and Blessings...

Have a nice day and I will see you soon...

Friday, 14 December 2012

Nippy here, so time to get the woolies out of archives and show them to the world

There is a chill in the air today, although now that I have had my 2nd coffee the outlook is not as bleak...I am seriously considering lighting the fire so that I can enjoy the view

I was up early this morning and packaged a wee parcel to send to NZique in Petone, that is in the North Island and NZique sells on behalf of NZ Artisan's...

I would of put more items in the parcel but I didn't have enough stamps on hand, last thing I wanted was to be reprimanded for insufficent postage, so this is the selection I sent.

My shop is looking somewhat empty...This afternoon I am going to spend time revamping it and adding some items to a clearance display...Out with the old and in with the new...

I will also create a window display of all the items that are for sale online, and the those visitors who come to our wee town when I have popped out on a mission will get a clear view of items they can find on the www...

it is nice to come back here and find I have a loyal following and I will load a widget shortly that will show on the main page where everyone is located...I have avoided too many widgets and haven't added ads to my blog as I think they clutter it all up and I don't want to have nasty pop ups occurring on peoples browsers, so me at this time I am using this blog as a networking tool between my online venues and also I hope I may inspire someone who has never tried creating art, jewelry, or similar to give it a go...

I have popped lots of Woolie Collars over on Etsy...They may be needed in the Northern Hemisphere...technically we should not be needing them here for a few months and I will just have to make some more

Thursday, 13 December 2012

1111 Views, Angel Numbers, and just when I was wondering how do I fit it all in...

Zoom Zoom...

I was sure it was going to be slower, and I would just breathe...

I am trying to get out the door to take two finished Necklaces to Greymouth to meet their new owner, they needed finishing because I had my component basket on display in my shop...Not any more...These two Ladies got in and had a dig around and found pieces that needed completion, and so the pressure was on...

They are done now...Photos later...when I get home...

I hurried in to blog here, to keep up the routine...and the viewer count was that my Angels are with me...Today and Everyday...

Bless them...
and all of you who have accumulated to bring this number to me today...
have a good one, 
12.12.12 in the Northern Hemisphere...

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

12.12.12 Southern Hemisphere


Let your light shine for Peace
We are sharing powerful times...
We must take a moment to send out our best affirmations
Love and Light
Today and Always

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

It is Official, I am having trouble with myself today...

So much for my new found routine, it got blown out of the water when a friend suggested I go to Greymouth with her...As I recently sold my car and have not replaced it I leapt at the opportunity to go and get some ribbon to finish the colourful pendant in the picture I posted yesterday...I have every colour ribbon but not enough Turquoise...and Turquoise is the only colour that is going to work...

That of course meant I didn't pop in here earlier this morning...

it also meant I didn't post pictures of finished items to FB, or get on the Google Roller Coaster...

Now that I am home and have finished items to load...The camera batteries are flat...I have been naughty and not fully charging them due to impatience and so now I really must leave them to charge overnight...

To top it off I have spent most of the afternoon searching for my main pair of pliers...they have managed to hide themselves a number of times, and it is that they are now missing once again I am in my Computer Cave blogging here...

So although i have now kept up the promise to myself and blogged is not like it is really about any progress...

Oh Well... I am cancelling the rest of the I will be back tomorrow, take will be 12.12.12 here I will let you all know how that is going in the southern hemisphere when I come back...

Monday, 10 December 2012

For Completion...Today...

A beautiful fine day here today, and I will be indoors other than domestic outdoor chores that do not go away...and I am hoping a Woofer or 2 [willing workers for accommodation and meal exchange] will come my way today...
That would take care of the chores and outdoor activities I can not get to...

And why?

Because these are the items that must be finished today...

Well that is all from me today...I must say i am rather pleased with myself though, as I am managing to come here most days, December is looking good...Routine works...

Have a Lovely Day

Saturday, 8 December 2012

10kms to the Croesus Hut, starts here...

Croesus Ferry...

Yesterday afternoon, I took some Dutch Tourists to the start of the Croesus Track, which is up above Blackball in the Paparoa Ranges, There is a 7km windy shingle road leading to the beginning of the track...

Unfortunately is not always ok to leave vehicles up there, so I went for the journey and returned to Blackball with their vehicle and will go and get them today at 1pm...

I will be back here later this afternoon to post some scenic photos from points on the access road...

See you then...

Friday, 7 December 2012

Brrrrrrrrrr, it is Wet and COld

It is freezing cold, the rain is coming down really heavy, I am off to Greymouth [Mawhera] this morning...

I have supplies to gather to finish a necklace...

and something yummy to buy for a bring a plate supper for Saturday Night...
and then home to beading...

2 necklaces to finish and a series of Brooches in Red Orange Hues to create for a customer to choose from, and hopefully ready by tomorrow...

I think I will need a substance to keep me motivated and focused, pretty sure that will be chocolate, not often resorted too...but given I have woken up tired pretty sure it is a necessity...

Better finish my coffee now and sqeeze in another one...
This is one of the necklaces I need to finish today...

Have a Nice Day

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Good Morning, 
I spent yesterday travelling around Google and promoting my Unique Artisan Jewelry, I added some items to my Etsy shop and added the counter gadget to this page, which shows to all how many visitors my blog has had, the great thing is it shows the numbers from when I started and not just from the time I added the Gadget...
I guess it is time I made it clear why i blog here...
I am working hard at being totally self employed, my Blog is too promote my jewelry, or as we spell it here down under Jewellery...
I am hoping that those of you who follow me will tell others about my products, i am in need of networking, Maybe cheeky of me to ask, but hey I have to get the attention somehow...
Of course i also hope that i may inspire others to create, paint, start a blog or just get out in Nature and generally add to there lives...

With this in mind the Brooch displayed here was listed in my etsy shop this morning

See you all tomorrow...
You are welcome to leave me a comment...
Have a lovely Day...

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Habitual Mess of a Addicted Beader

Whenever I go to my Beading Workspace I am surprised by the Muddle...

It is fair to say that everyday I am in denial that it was I that caused this...

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

It seems I haven't shared my Fuzzy Filanges...

I thought I had shared these wee creations with you, but it appears not...
Fuzzy Filanges...

Creativity is a Circle...

Some time ago, infact years ago I created a series of Wristbands...made from recycled/upcycled [depending what part of the globe you live in] Buttons...

When I first made these they didn't really move, then for some reason unbeknowns to me off they went at full steam...

Then stop, again on display but not moving...

Months, sometimes years go by with out a sale...

Then Bang again they are popular...

This week has seen them come around again and a number have moved, and not just with one group...

I still have a good supply made but it looks as though in the near future I will have to begin creating these again...

I will be back soon to keep you informed of what is up with Blackball Bling, 21st Century Kiwiana, and my shop Currantly Oddfellows...

Have a Lovely Day...

Monday, 3 December 2012

Finishing Touches

The Blue Necklace has now gone to it's forever home, and the Green one is heading for finishing touches... I am really grateful for the customers who popped in from Hokitika...they found my website and called to check I was open. And it all got exciting from there on in... 4 necklaces later...

This Necklace is now in a Personal collection

I now have to come up with the finishing touches for this one,
pretty sure it will have chain from the loops visable here, 
and there will be more beading to
complete the finished article...

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Ooooops, Seems I missed October and November...

Oh Dear Faithful Blog readers...

It seems I completely missed October and November...

So, the aim is to not miss December...

Back soon...

Monday, 1 October 2012

Tweaking Currantly Oddfellows...

This morning has been spent drinking coffee and tweaking some of my Shop Displays...

 I thought I would post a quick picture and let you see a corner of
 Currantly Oddfellows 
which is situated in the small town of
 Blackball on the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand...
Population approx 350...

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Getting into the Swing of Self Employment

Stepping up and creating my own employment is right up my alley, but in saying that it is apparent that there is much work to be done...

I am the only one to do it...

No Excuses...If I don't step up and keep up, all my best laid plans will fall over.

Getting my Business to the level where it can begin to pay it's own way has been a long slow process, years of preparation, but to any of you out there who are following the same path do not give up...

I asked for help, and handed over the responsibilty of working out how it could happen to the Universe/God and now it is all happening...

Every time I get close to finishing a project, creation or event the next request is made of me...

So now is the time to keep the flow going and get my craft out to the world...

The Necklace is a Choker Style and was made some time ago. It is the first time it has been loaded here or on my other pages, it has been on display in my Blackball Shop, and as I have spent today rearranging my shop displays and giving some much needed TLC to the shop environs... I thought some new pictures were needed...The brooch is this picture is one of my most recent creations...

Blackball is a small town and the locals are not necessarily my customers, but recently this is changing and more and more of them are popping in my door to have a peek and discover what it is that I do... Of course being open everyday has made that more likely to happen...

Have a nice day or night wherever you are and I will be back asap with my next update... the way I had a incident since I last posted here, I spilt cider on my keyboard and it malfunctioned and typed gobbity gook...I had to get another keyboard, 2 actually for a whole $3.00, and was offered a opportunity to be a Tutor, so application to fill out and I will have some weekend courses to arrange next year...So everything happens for a reason...There are always solutions, we just have to remember to look for the solutions and not worry about the problem at hand, it is a opportunity in disguise...

Bye for now...

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

I am so bad at this Blogging Thing...

I was doing so great in August, and then September...


Thanks to those of you who have still come back for a looksee...

I should probably not make any promises because that is usually a precursor to invisibility...

I have been neglecting my facebook pages too...

I had to go back to my Day Job today as I owed 5 hours...

I have done it, and now the freedom to follow my path and create my own destiny is mine, so believe it or not I am going to create a schedule and this will involve coming here more regularly...

Celebrate, and Enjoy your Life Daily...

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

More of Before...

The tide was out, but on it's way in...
The wind was wee tad cool, and the ocean a shade of brown...
The chips were as usual the best on the Coast...
Great place to sit and take in the vastness of it all...

Bottom left, the gulls have appeared...

Cobden Takeaway Chips at Mawhera, aka Cobden Tip Head...

Check these out they are REAL Chips,
You don't get them many places anymore though.

Cobden Takeaway's here on the West Coast still make their own.

I usually get 1/2 scoop but that's a scoop so I can share with the seagulls.

Notice no gulls in the picture below

I will be back later with some more pics and you will see how that changed...

Monday, 27 August 2012

I've been getting cheeky on Facebook

So I am on the networking trail and trying to get a few new outlets to retail my Unique Artisan Jewellery from...
I have been travelling around Facebook and posted on Auckland City, Akaroa, and a few other pages...
So I will keep you posted on how it goes...

Of course I will be busy if I get a few answers...

Not that I would neglect my blog... We hope...
Have a Nice Evening, and remember I will be back tomorrow with photos of our West Coast Beach...

Nite Nite...

De Clutter Mission not accomplished, sidetracked...

I have spent today not loading the car to clear the clutter but taking pics of my creations to load to 
and to ensure when I dispatch the next parcel to Wellington I will have a photographic record of the items that I send.

I love the filigree & lucite flowers that I have used in these earrings...

 This necklace is a traditional choker or bib style but I can twist these and they become a pendant that can be worn on a chain, cord or ribbon...

The Olive Red Combination is a bit out of the ordinary for me, but it works really well and looks stunning worn with a number of colours

There is still hope that I will get some boxes filled to take to the opportunity shop tomorrow morning, I will be taking a wee trip the the beach and gathering tiny pieces of driftwood...

So come back and see what the ocean looks like tomorrow, it's been pretty wet and stormy and we may have a wild spring tide occuring,
don't know for sure, haven't been there for some time...

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Brrrrrrrrrrrr Saturday and its Missions...

I am not sure if I told you I had a Garage Sale last weekend, that is my excuse for not blogging here recently.

Some of these things sold, other items friends have kindly taken away, some other items have already left for the Opportunity Shop, There is plenty more to clear out...
Today's mission was to get back into it and de-clutter my life...

I began feeling positive that this would be a easy task and was sure I would also get out to the outside world and tame my overgrown backyard, 

and to follow
take pics to update my facebook,  & to load on online destinations including here...

I made some progress... Moved unwanted items from the back of the building to the front, but that operation is not over until I can get everything into the car and off to the op shop...Without retrieving anything out of the boxes...

Then off outside only to be put off by the bleak reality of how much work there is to be done...
Usually I trick myself into believing I like the Rustic Overgrown Look...

Well today I had to admit, that is not really true...

So alas back inside to take photos...
The camera batteries were flat...That's happened before...

You would think I would put them on charge on my Day Job Days...
That will be my new regime...every week without fail...

Back to the clutter clearance...

I will keep you posted... once the boxes are in the car...

Saturday, 11 August 2012

NZique Petone, Place to get NZ Made gifts*/s/by:112982754823079594844?hl=en

Recently I added my Artisan Jewellery to NZique in Petone, it is a shop/gallery stocking only NZ made goods and I have just reviewed them on google [I hope the link above will take you to that review]

I have also found they are on facebook although they are realitively inactive. I am hoping others who have their Artisan Items for sale there will also get active and network to promote the shop and inturn each other and our selves.

This is the facebook link for NZique,

So far so good...I am managing to come here consistently and keep the network going...
Have a nice evening
Be kind and gentle to each other
The world can be a Peaceful Place

Friday, 10 August 2012

HaHa, I just edited my profile, now I am a girl

So not sure how it happened but my Profile said I was a Man...
I'm not,
it's edited now...

Currantly Oddfellows Open for Business

Currantly Oddfellows in the CBD of Blackball is open for the next 4 days...


My Day Job is now Wed, Thurs, Fri giving me the opportunity to open 
Sat, Sun, Mon,Tues

I am here at the end of the computer all weekend if you want to contact me and enquire about my Artisan Jewellery, I welcome Genuine Retail and Wholesale enquiries

check out my links, like my face book pages and follow my creative progress...

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Wellington, Wellington, Wellington

As promised Blogging as regular as possible.
Well actually I didn't have time to see Wellington, not at all like me, not even a trip to Newtown.
Closest I got was the Railway Station, and to sit in the sun across the road to wait on a ride to Porirua to set up for Dunkleys Great NZ Craft Show.
Other than that there was Op Shopping in Petone...The Dutch Shop and Yummy Licorice and a great stay with friends... Thai food, Middle Eastern Food, Noodle Houses and Home Cooked Roasts, Spoilt I would have to say...
I have set up in NZique in Petone, and my Artisan Creations are now available there 7 days a week, and will have new items added regularly.
It is a bleak day in Blackball today, I have set up my colourful canvas's on the footpath outside my shop to bring some colour to the day...
Now I must get back to unpacking the stock I bought back from Wellington and will load some of it as specials via facebook later today, I hope you will go there and have a look.
There will also be new items added to my gallery on
Peace and Good Fortune to all...

Monday, 6 August 2012

Its been awhile, [again]

Hello All, 

It's been sometime since I posted here. 

A lot has happened since my last post, I have been to Wellington and exhibited at Dunkleys Great NZ Craft Show, setup a stand at NZique in Petone, and now my Artisan Jewellery is available there 7 days a week.

I know I have promised to post here regularly and I now wonder how many of you will believe me after neglecting you for so long, so sorry, back on track now.

My Day Job is now Wed, Thurs, Fri... That will help with the organisational logistics for running my shop, blogging my progress, updating my website [hope I told you about that] and posting on facebook...Listing specials on Trade Me too...

Here's to a lovely day, somewhat bleak and no sunshine here today...

This is my latest creation, it is lovely to wear and certainly doesnot go unnoticed, lots of great comments have been uttered about it.

See you very soon, true...

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Sweet Sunshine

Temperatures dipped last night, and I awoke to a heavy frost this morning that was still there until 10.30am... So we are now enveloped in Sunshine on the Sunshine Plateau...

Great opportunity to get outside and give some of my paintings a wipe down...
It is hard to look at my own art, I wonder what others see...

Mostly the naiveness of it I imagine...

This was painted in 2007... I haven't painted since 2008, and I have to submit a painting for a Fund Raising Auction by this friday... eeeeeek...

I am hoping by getting intouch with my past works I will get inspired...

These are some imagines of the sections within the above painting

I will be loading more pictures to my facebook page, have a look...

I would love you to Like my Page... See you there

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Currantly Oddfellows needs U!..Get on Over There...

Hi again, I am giving myself a Push... Someones got to...
Currantly Oddfellows is on facebook...

Lemony Pink Artisan, 21st Century Kiwiana Necklace

This is my latest addition to my Etsy Shop,

Today have been spent yet again moving my creative space around to be more functional...

The aim is to be able to reach everything with a swivel of the chair...

I haven't gone so far as to move the fridge and kettle in here yet...

Can't say it won't be happening though...

Hehe... thats lol to me...

Have you had a look at my facebook page, go on like it...

Crikey That Was A Long Weekend...

Well, Its been forever, last time I wrote it was my technically Friday night...

I have been on last years annual leave from my day job...

Creativity took over and I have been beading frantically to get stock made for the upcoming Dunkleys Great NZ Craft Show that I am going to be exhibiting at.

I plan to have my stock finished by the beginning of July and then it will be time to concentrate on the Site Decor...

It is late friday night here [the real friday] not my technically it's Friday Night...
In fact as I write this it is the dot of midnight...

I will be back tomorrow...

Nite Nite

Monday, 21 May 2012

Monday Evening Is My New Friday Night

Its Monday evening, but for me that now translates to Friday evening, as my Day Job has taken on some changes, and I now have Tuesday and Wednesday off. 
Tuesday is my Saturday...
Wednesday is now my Sunday...

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Blackballian Earrings, by Blackball Bling

Hi There all Blog Viewers, I have struggled with having time to get here lately.

Never Fear...
I will always be back...


These are my latest creations and the Blackball Beads were made for me by KPBeads.

Have a great day and I hope to be back later...

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

By The Way

I went, I saw, I did, I survived...

I have been into the infamous craft resource room, I didn't open any boxes, or suitcases, there was enough going on with out delving into the depths...

I have dragged out the unfinished, reorganised the surfaces, photographed endless items, and now the Day Off is over...

                       Here is a taste of the work I have to complete
the other many and varied multimedia items unearthed today are too vast to           
                                             show here...
       Look for me elsewhere and you may get a glimpse of what is to come...        

I have just joined google+, and wow...

Hi everyone out there that is looking at my page, I have just joined google+ and the change in my stats is obvious immediately

What would we do without the worldwideweb...

Incredible and I would like to thank everyone who is looking at my blog.

I should of been visable on the web years ago, I make many artisan creative items and many have been copied and reproduced some of them badly for many years. A shop was even opened selling knockoffs of my original recycled petticoats/dresses/luscious colourful garments, and cutup collaged together woollies. I missed my mark, my friends would all tell me who and where the copies of my craft were being sold and that I should do something about it... One of those people became quite famous copying me...But that was due to her action and my inaction at getting out and noticed...

So today is the beginning of a new approach and I aim to be create everyday and be visable... and I look forward to your Reaction...

Camera batteries are on charge...

I have been playing with my photos... Collage No 1 here for your viewing...

Up off the seat now and into action...

Craft room collage coming...

Cheers Have a Nice Day

Breaking on thru to the Other side...

I am breaking on through to my craft room and multitude of unfinished objects, paper mache bowls, journals, peggy fairies, windchimes, random objects of artisan oddities, collage cards, patchwork vests, hearts for Aeon, driftwood organisers, Visualisation Boards, and that is what I have listed from my memory without looking...Wait till I open the suitcases x3 and 20 litre bins x 5, let alone the door...Best I charge the batteries for the camera

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Days Off, Where did they go...

I have had 3 days off, and I am not sure where they went...

I had the complete stop day... that went quite well except I didn't get to watch a teenager do my housework...
I know you all knew that wasn't going to happen, but I had to have hope...

Then it was Anzac Day here, so in the afternoon I opened my shop but it was a very quite day in our wee village [300 people and you never see them all at once, it is kind of like the lights are on but nobody is home]

Then, Thursday, and to be honest I did not want to function... 


Life interferes with that sort of attitude, and I was awoken to my phone ringing, and 
who was it?, 
no one there... 
why not
because it was calling from my daughters pocket while she was herding the cows for milking up the valley.

So up and coffee until the Brain Cells began to gel, and creativity swept over me.

Earring production was the order of the day and 30 pairs later I had slipped into random creations from twisted wire that will become some item in the near future that will eventually make sense...

Thanks to a couple of tourists who were looking for gifts for their ladies, two necklaces are now on their way to Christchurch...

Appreciation of my Talent and Artisan Creativity has been received and I feel the warmth...

Thank goodness for those who can identify with the craft of the Not So Normal Artist...

Monday, 23 April 2012

Day Off / Public Holiday / Day Off / YEAH!

Yeah, tomorrow is my Day Off and first official rest day, since declaring 
Tuesday Rest Day!
  • Get Up
  • Put Jarmies on
  • Fill Hot Water Bottle
  • Make Coffee
  • Light the Fire
  • Get cosy on the couch
  • Read
  • Lounge
  • Eat
  • Snooze
  • Receive Visitors
  • Watch a Teenager clean my house
  • Lounge 
  • Snooze
  • Relax
  • Dream
  • Eat
  • Lounge

Sounds alright to me...
Might be harder than I think...
I am not too good at doing nothing...
So of course you won't be hearing from me tomorrow...
Because it's Rest Day! 

Wednesday is a Public Holiday [Anzac Day] Followed by Thursday [Day Off]
Double Yeah!...

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Saturday Morning Driftwood Gathering Expedition


When I come here I wonder

why has 
so long
to come back...

Coming here makes me realise I missed it...

West Coast 
Best Coast

Which piece will be the first...
Which piece will be the last...

What will they become...
Where will it end up...

How did it get here...
Where was it from...

Friday, 20 April 2012

Mawhera and back...

Thank God It's Friday...

Some time has passed since I walked this way, my Day Job has shrunk to 3 days a week, and you would expect that to give me more time. But no, that is not what happened.

First I had a brush with gluten... lots of discomfort and having to come to a full stop and do some Soul Searching about my working 7days a week, non stop, always planning the next move creatively and never switching off.

So I switched off for 3 days, as I had no choice, I was broken...

I am now back full throttle with a renewed itinerary for life...

I have been gardening at dawn emptying old planter pots getting them ready to replant with lots of vibrant colour to excite my creative senses. Raking acorns and oak leaves, gathering them not because I have a squirrel, but for what they may become. Hats for Peg Dolls, Window Threads, to grow into Bonsai's, and all the other things I dream up between now and then.

So its dark out side now, and a tad cold, so I won't be gardening by the moon tonight. Instead I will write my shopping list for my Saturday Morning pilgrimage to the big smoke of Greymouth or as the Maori named it Mawhera.

I will need to buy ingredients for my Sunday Cafe at our local Community Centre. Gluten Free Chocolate Brownies and other Tasty Morsels.

I will take a trip to the beach to my favourite spot to gather driftwood for making crafty stuff, the beach at Greymouth is West Coast and can be pretty wild, its always worth watching the bar if a fishing boat is coming in...

Curtain Hooks to hang the winter curtains, double curtaining is a theme in my house at this time of year.

Then home to open my Retail Therapy Outlet "Currantly Oddfellows" and greet tourists...who will buy my wares and give me some cashflow for the next journey to Mawhera... and load new photos of my creations to the www.

My mission for this week is to learn how to add a links to my blog... to direct you to and other such sites...

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have enjoyed my chatter...


Monday, 2 April 2012

Blackball Bling, I am still here...

Well its been a few days, and I started off with a rush and my stats tell me my blog was being viewed.

It has just been the weekend and I did my wee catering venture at our local community centre [Blackball] on Sunday.  It went well, with minimal advertising. Text messages lure locals in for Sunday Morning culinary treats.

This morning [Monday] I had a wee rush of Swedish Tourists on a Geography Field Trip to NZ in "Currantly Oddfellows" for some Retail Therapy. They read my shop window blurb and phoned me enticing me away from my morning coffee to open for them, and now some Blackball Bling is on it's way back to Sweden. And then I was off to my Day Job.

These "Wish Upon A Star Window Adornments" were popular. 

The one to the left is now on its way to Sweden via a World Tour of New Zealand.

So if you are in Sweden keep your eyes on windows near you incase you see it appear.

I recently sent a order of these to the Chatham Islands, they are to be hung in a local garden.

I can make these in bulk and you can purchase them via Etsy or Trademe using Paypal.  Contact me via

My Day Job is now 3 days a week, and tomorrow is my first day off with this new schedule, which is going to leave me more time to be create and get my creativity loaded on to the www...

Friday, 30 March 2012

Antique Chain,Glass & Crystal Bead Dangle Earrings

I have a break in the traffic and have come home from my Day Job for a couple of hours.
There are domestic things I could be doing but the pull of cyberspace has me transfixed so I am loading new items on my etsy. 

Find these earrings on etsy, other views of them there also
From etsy you can choose to like me on facebook.  This will help me on my journey to Self Employment. 
Thank you for taking the time to call here and read my blog.
And now back to the camera...
Check back later...

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Blackball Bling, Home from my Day Job...

I am home from my Day Job, and have discovered that saying I will take new photos is a wee fib, because now that I have got the time, I have missed the daylight, as I prefer this so I don't have to use a flash. 

So I am going to add a photo that is not so new, and maybe you have found it displayed elsewhere, I hope so because it would mean my Art is being followed. 

                      Buttonybead Medalion Neck Adornment Handmade

Today I have found out my day job will reduce to a 3 day week, this is going to give me alot more time to pursue the things I love doing. 

Opening my shop 3 full days a week...
Gathering materials from Nature Walks to enhance my creations...
Making Jewellery/Jewelry on a more regular basis...
Working at displaying and marketing the items I make...
Painting Artworks...
The opportunities are endless...

You come back again...