Friday, 20 April 2012

Mawhera and back...

Thank God It's Friday...

Some time has passed since I walked this way, my Day Job has shrunk to 3 days a week, and you would expect that to give me more time. But no, that is not what happened.

First I had a brush with gluten... lots of discomfort and having to come to a full stop and do some Soul Searching about my working 7days a week, non stop, always planning the next move creatively and never switching off.

So I switched off for 3 days, as I had no choice, I was broken...

I am now back full throttle with a renewed itinerary for life...

I have been gardening at dawn emptying old planter pots getting them ready to replant with lots of vibrant colour to excite my creative senses. Raking acorns and oak leaves, gathering them not because I have a squirrel, but for what they may become. Hats for Peg Dolls, Window Threads, to grow into Bonsai's, and all the other things I dream up between now and then.

So its dark out side now, and a tad cold, so I won't be gardening by the moon tonight. Instead I will write my shopping list for my Saturday Morning pilgrimage to the big smoke of Greymouth or as the Maori named it Mawhera.

I will need to buy ingredients for my Sunday Cafe at our local Community Centre. Gluten Free Chocolate Brownies and other Tasty Morsels.

I will take a trip to the beach to my favourite spot to gather driftwood for making crafty stuff, the beach at Greymouth is West Coast and can be pretty wild, its always worth watching the bar if a fishing boat is coming in...

Curtain Hooks to hang the winter curtains, double curtaining is a theme in my house at this time of year.

Then home to open my Retail Therapy Outlet "Currantly Oddfellows" and greet tourists...who will buy my wares and give me some cashflow for the next journey to Mawhera... and load new photos of my creations to the www.

My mission for this week is to learn how to add a links to my blog... to direct you to and other such sites...

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have enjoyed my chatter...


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