Thursday, 26 April 2012

Days Off, Where did they go...

I have had 3 days off, and I am not sure where they went...

I had the complete stop day... that went quite well except I didn't get to watch a teenager do my housework...
I know you all knew that wasn't going to happen, but I had to have hope...

Then it was Anzac Day here, so in the afternoon I opened my shop but it was a very quite day in our wee village [300 people and you never see them all at once, it is kind of like the lights are on but nobody is home]

Then, Thursday, and to be honest I did not want to function... 


Life interferes with that sort of attitude, and I was awoken to my phone ringing, and 
who was it?, 
no one there... 
why not
because it was calling from my daughters pocket while she was herding the cows for milking up the valley.

So up and coffee until the Brain Cells began to gel, and creativity swept over me.

Earring production was the order of the day and 30 pairs later I had slipped into random creations from twisted wire that will become some item in the near future that will eventually make sense...

Thanks to a couple of tourists who were looking for gifts for their ladies, two necklaces are now on their way to Christchurch...

Appreciation of my Talent and Artisan Creativity has been received and I feel the warmth...

Thank goodness for those who can identify with the craft of the Not So Normal Artist...

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