Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Sweet Sunshine

Temperatures dipped last night, and I awoke to a heavy frost this morning that was still there until 10.30am... So we are now enveloped in Sunshine on the Sunshine Plateau...

Great opportunity to get outside and give some of my paintings a wipe down...
It is hard to look at my own art, I wonder what others see...

Mostly the naiveness of it I imagine...

This was painted in 2007... I haven't painted since 2008, and I have to submit a painting for a Fund Raising Auction by this friday... eeeeeek...

I am hoping by getting intouch with my past works I will get inspired...

These are some imagines of the sections within the above painting

I will be loading more pictures to my facebook page, have a look...

I would love you to Like my Page... See you there

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