Monday, 27 August 2012

De Clutter Mission not accomplished, sidetracked...

I have spent today not loading the car to clear the clutter but taking pics of my creations to load to 
and to ensure when I dispatch the next parcel to Wellington I will have a photographic record of the items that I send.

I love the filigree & lucite flowers that I have used in these earrings...

 This necklace is a traditional choker or bib style but I can twist these and they become a pendant that can be worn on a chain, cord or ribbon...

The Olive Red Combination is a bit out of the ordinary for me, but it works really well and looks stunning worn with a number of colours

There is still hope that I will get some boxes filled to take to the opportunity shop tomorrow morning, I will be taking a wee trip the the beach and gathering tiny pieces of driftwood...

So come back and see what the ocean looks like tomorrow, it's been pretty wet and stormy and we may have a wild spring tide occuring,
don't know for sure, haven't been there for some time...

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