Thursday, 13 December 2012

1111 Views, Angel Numbers, and just when I was wondering how do I fit it all in...

Zoom Zoom...

I was sure it was going to be slower, and I would just breathe...

I am trying to get out the door to take two finished Necklaces to Greymouth to meet their new owner, they needed finishing because I had my component basket on display in my shop...Not any more...These two Ladies got in and had a dig around and found pieces that needed completion, and so the pressure was on...

They are done now...Photos later...when I get home...

I hurried in to blog here, to keep up the routine...and the viewer count was that my Angels are with me...Today and Everyday...

Bless them...
and all of you who have accumulated to bring this number to me today...
have a good one, 
12.12.12 in the Northern Hemisphere...

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