Friday, 7 December 2012

Brrrrrrrrrr, it is Wet and COld

It is freezing cold, the rain is coming down really heavy, I am off to Greymouth [Mawhera] this morning...

I have supplies to gather to finish a necklace...

and something yummy to buy for a bring a plate supper for Saturday Night...
and then home to beading...

2 necklaces to finish and a series of Brooches in Red Orange Hues to create for a customer to choose from, and hopefully ready by tomorrow...

I think I will need a substance to keep me motivated and focused, pretty sure that will be chocolate, not often resorted too...but given I have woken up tired pretty sure it is a necessity...

Better finish my coffee now and sqeeze in another one...
This is one of the necklaces I need to finish today...

Have a Nice Day

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