Sunday, 30 September 2012

Getting into the Swing of Self Employment

Stepping up and creating my own employment is right up my alley, but in saying that it is apparent that there is much work to be done...

I am the only one to do it...

No Excuses...If I don't step up and keep up, all my best laid plans will fall over.

Getting my Business to the level where it can begin to pay it's own way has been a long slow process, years of preparation, but to any of you out there who are following the same path do not give up...

I asked for help, and handed over the responsibilty of working out how it could happen to the Universe/God and now it is all happening...

Every time I get close to finishing a project, creation or event the next request is made of me...

So now is the time to keep the flow going and get my craft out to the world...

The Necklace is a Choker Style and was made some time ago. It is the first time it has been loaded here or on my other pages, it has been on display in my Blackball Shop, and as I have spent today rearranging my shop displays and giving some much needed TLC to the shop environs... I thought some new pictures were needed...The brooch is this picture is one of my most recent creations...

Blackball is a small town and the locals are not necessarily my customers, but recently this is changing and more and more of them are popping in my door to have a peek and discover what it is that I do... Of course being open everyday has made that more likely to happen...

Have a nice day or night wherever you are and I will be back asap with my next update... the way I had a incident since I last posted here, I spilt cider on my keyboard and it malfunctioned and typed gobbity gook...I had to get another keyboard, 2 actually for a whole $3.00, and was offered a opportunity to be a Tutor, so application to fill out and I will have some weekend courses to arrange next year...So everything happens for a reason...There are always solutions, we just have to remember to look for the solutions and not worry about the problem at hand, it is a opportunity in disguise...

Bye for now...

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