Thursday, 29 March 2012

Blackball Bling, Home from my Day Job...

I am home from my Day Job, and have discovered that saying I will take new photos is a wee fib, because now that I have got the time, I have missed the daylight, as I prefer this so I don't have to use a flash. 

So I am going to add a photo that is not so new, and maybe you have found it displayed elsewhere, I hope so because it would mean my Art is being followed. 

                      Buttonybead Medalion Neck Adornment Handmade

Today I have found out my day job will reduce to a 3 day week, this is going to give me alot more time to pursue the things I love doing. 

Opening my shop 3 full days a week...
Gathering materials from Nature Walks to enhance my creations...
Making Jewellery/Jewelry on a more regular basis...
Working at displaying and marketing the items I make...
Painting Artworks...
The opportunities are endless...

You come back again...

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