Tuesday, 28 August 2012

More of Before...

The tide was out, but on it's way in...
The wind was wee tad cool, and the ocean a shade of brown...
The chips were as usual the best on the Coast...
Great place to sit and take in the vastness of it all...

Bottom left, the gulls have appeared...

Cobden Takeaway Chips at Mawhera, aka Cobden Tip Head...

Check these out they are REAL Chips,
You don't get them many places anymore though.

Cobden Takeaway's here on the West Coast still make their own.

I usually get 1/2 scoop but that's a scoop so I can share with the seagulls.

Notice no gulls in the picture below

I will be back later with some more pics and you will see how that changed...

Monday, 27 August 2012

I've been getting cheeky on Facebook

So I am on the networking trail and trying to get a few new outlets to retail my Unique Artisan Jewellery from...
I have been travelling around Facebook and posted on Auckland City, Akaroa, and a few other pages...
So I will keep you posted on how it goes...

Of course I will be busy if I get a few answers...

Not that I would neglect my blog... We hope...
Have a Nice Evening, and remember I will be back tomorrow with photos of our West Coast Beach...

Nite Nite...

De Clutter Mission not accomplished, sidetracked...

I have spent today not loading the car to clear the clutter but taking pics of my creations to load to 
and to ensure when I dispatch the next parcel to Wellington I will have a photographic record of the items that I send.

I love the filigree & lucite flowers that I have used in these earrings...

 This necklace is a traditional choker or bib style but I can twist these and they become a pendant that can be worn on a chain, cord or ribbon...

The Olive Red Combination is a bit out of the ordinary for me, but it works really well and looks stunning worn with a number of colours

There is still hope that I will get some boxes filled to take to the opportunity shop tomorrow morning, I will be taking a wee trip the the beach and gathering tiny pieces of driftwood...

So come back and see what the ocean looks like tomorrow, it's been pretty wet and stormy and we may have a wild spring tide occuring,
don't know for sure, haven't been there for some time...

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Brrrrrrrrrrrr Saturday and its Missions...

I am not sure if I told you I had a Garage Sale last weekend, that is my excuse for not blogging here recently.

Some of these things sold, other items friends have kindly taken away, some other items have already left for the Opportunity Shop, There is plenty more to clear out...
Today's mission was to get back into it and de-clutter my life...

I began feeling positive that this would be a easy task and was sure I would also get out to the outside world and tame my overgrown backyard, 

and to follow
take pics to update my facebook,  & to load on online destinations including here...

I made some progress... Moved unwanted items from the back of the building to the front, but that operation is not over until I can get everything into the car and off to the op shop...Without retrieving anything out of the boxes...

Then off outside only to be put off by the bleak reality of how much work there is to be done...
Usually I trick myself into believing I like the Rustic Overgrown Look...

Well today I had to admit, that is not really true...

So alas back inside to take photos...
The camera batteries were flat...That's happened before...

You would think I would put them on charge on my Day Job Days...
That will be my new regime...every week without fail...

Back to the clutter clearance...

I will keep you posted... once the boxes are in the car...

Saturday, 11 August 2012

NZique Petone, Place to get NZ Made gifts


Recently I added my Artisan Jewellery to NZique in Petone, it is a shop/gallery stocking only NZ made goods and I have just reviewed them on google [I hope the link above will take you to that review]

I have also found they are on facebook although they are realitively inactive. I am hoping others who have their Artisan Items for sale there will also get active and network to promote the shop and inturn each other and our selves.

This is the facebook link for NZique, 

So far so good...I am managing to come here consistently and keep the network going...
Have a nice evening
Be kind and gentle to each other
The world can be a Peaceful Place

Friday, 10 August 2012

HaHa, I just edited my profile, now I am a girl

So not sure how it happened but my Profile said I was a Man...
I'm not,
it's edited now...

Currantly Oddfellows Open for Business

Currantly Oddfellows in the CBD of Blackball is open for the next 4 days...


My Day Job is now Wed, Thurs, Fri giving me the opportunity to open 
Sat, Sun, Mon,Tues

I am here at the end of the computer all weekend if you want to contact me and enquire about my Artisan Jewellery, I welcome Genuine Retail and Wholesale enquiries

check out my links, like my face book pages and follow my creative progress...

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Wellington, Wellington, Wellington

As promised Blogging as regular as possible.
Well actually I didn't have time to see Wellington, not at all like me, not even a trip to Newtown.
Closest I got was the Railway Station, and to sit in the sun across the road to wait on a ride to Porirua to set up for Dunkleys Great NZ Craft Show.
Other than that there was Op Shopping in Petone...The Dutch Shop and Yummy Licorice and a great stay with friends... Thai food, Middle Eastern Food, Noodle Houses and Home Cooked Roasts, Spoilt I would have to say...
I have set up in NZique in Petone, and my Artisan Creations are now available there 7 days a week, and will have new items added regularly.
It is a bleak day in Blackball today, I have set up my colourful canvas's on the footpath outside my shop to bring some colour to the day...
Now I must get back to unpacking the stock I bought back from Wellington and will load some of it as specials via facebook later today, I hope you will go there and have a look.
There will also be new items added to my gallery on http://www.blackballbling.co.nz/
Peace and Good Fortune to all...

Monday, 6 August 2012

Its been awhile, [again]

Hello All, 

It's been sometime since I posted here. 

A lot has happened since my last post, I have been to Wellington and exhibited at Dunkleys Great NZ Craft Show, setup a stand at NZique in Petone, and now my Artisan Jewellery is available there 7 days a week.

I know I have promised to post here regularly and I now wonder how many of you will believe me after neglecting you for so long, so sorry, back on track now.

My Day Job is now Wed, Thurs, Fri... That will help with the organisational logistics for running my shop, blogging my progress, updating my website [hope I told you about that] and posting on facebook...Listing specials on Trade Me too...http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=500847489

Here's to a lovely day, somewhat bleak and no sunshine here today...

This is my latest creation, it is lovely to wear and certainly doesnot go unnoticed, lots of great comments have been uttered about it.

See you very soon, true...