Friday, 22 February 2013

I am Back

Hi All,

Well being suspended by Google+ was very boring...
But I am back...

I have lost some of the images from this blog as I had to delete them from my personal Google+ profile... I will hopefully be able to edit and add some pictures but this may take some time...

In the meantime, here is something new from my beading station

and these guys have taken up a fair bit of my time...

See you all soon...

Monday, 11 February 2013

Learning Curve, Re: Google+

Hi All,
I hope to be back here with you asap
and to be able to tell you more...
As you can see the images of my Jewelry is no longer available via this blog...
I am learning about terms and conditions and will be back to you asap...
Kind Regards to all or you who have been popping back to see what is happening...
Have a Nice Day...